Goddess and Child CD

Article number: 9991383670
Availability: In stock

Goddess & Child is a heart-touching collection of guided meditations. Mary's soothing voice takes the listener deep within to gently connect to their inner child and the loving arms of the Goddess - teaching self-love, self-mothering and self-compassion.

Healing the Inner Child (31 minutes) is a nurturing guided meditation that connects you to your inner child as you feel the loving embrace of the Goddess all around you. Mary helps you create a safe container that takes you into the realm of deep communication, transformation and love. Imagine Mother Goddess holding you as you are holding your inner child. Becoming one breath, one heartbeat.

MA Chant (13 minutes) is a unique sound meditation that evokes simplicity and a beauty that may have existed within a Goddess temple 5-6000 years ago. Imagine you are encircled by 13 female voices chanting MA - one of the oldest, most ancient and meaningful sounds evocative of the primordial Great Mother Goddess (one of the most soothing and connecting meditative tracks on planet Earth).

Coming Home - Creating a Safe Place (23 minutes) is a magical guided meditation that takes you by a river into the healing lap of Mother Earth. You create a sacred healing circle (with all your guardians, protectors and spirit guides), focus on the different parts of your inner child and begin to connect to the profundity and wisdom that lies right at the core of your inner child.

In Goddess & Child, Mary has gone deeper, touching a healing space that all who are on their healing path must, at some point, go through - connecting to their inner child. Overall, this CD is a valuable companion and guide for anybody's healing journey.

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