Copper Nuggets - Tumbled Stone

Article number: 62286
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I have been using copper pipes assembled into pyramids and other sacred geometric patterns for over a decade. They are used for big spiritual group gatherings where we can focus and amplify our positive energy. Copper will defiantly stimulate energy flow and enhance your psychic abilities. It's a powerful energy conductor that will move energies and amplify your thoughts. This is a big reason copper is used in wires to help conduct electrical currents. It will also help you in channeling and in communicating with higher dimensional beings. If you use copper alongside crystals, the combination will enhance the best kind of communications. Copper is very helpful as it does not just help you reach higher, and channel angelic frequencies, it also grounds and balances a wide array of vibration frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm.

Ancient cultures made use of Copper as a healing mineral with healing properties beneficial to the internal and external bodies. Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral that can be found in the human body. It's transported throughout the body with the help of proteins in the bloodstream. The liver and the human brain also contain the largest amount of copper. This makes sense why when we use it, it does help boost our thoughts and help us change old stuck patterns.

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