February full moon lovers
- Posted on
- By Amanda Delisle
- Posted in enlightenment, february full moon, full moon in leo, higher purpose, inspiration, lovers full moon, moon magic, moonology, natural flow, snow moon

Just days before Valentines Day, the February full moon is filling the sky with its LEO light. This is a great time for rituals enhancing unconditional love and respect.
Just days before Valentines Day, the full February moon on the 9th, is filling the sky with its LEO light.
This is the Big Heart Day as it starts to move you out of the depression of longing for the perfect Lover to celebrate with, and moves you into the energy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for yourself and others. I honesty can’t think of a better reason to celebrate!
You may very well have called in your SoulMate already, and if you have, woo hoo!
Send out some extra loving prayers for the single folks out there that want some of that physical unity you are now blessed with. Light a candle, burn some rose petals and see the world radiating as much full moon love as you are experiencing at this moment in time!
It will have a tremendous positive effect.
You may find that you feel pretty confident as a full month has passed by and you are still feeling clear and free of the past decade. You are strong and committed to keeping those new year resolutions to make changes in your life to reflect your greatest desires.
How perfect to know that this next full moon is right on course for helping you deepen your resolve.
“gain the courage and initiative to make the first move and take the lead. You will intuitively know what you want and how to get it. This is a good full moon for acting on your instincts.” Astrology King
The “Hermiting” energy of New Years seems to be over, or at least subdued as many people are feeling a fresh surge of connection energy these days.
Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.
Such widely needed skills these days, so take some time for a deeper look within.
"As the Hermit walks his path, the lamp lights his way – but it only illuminates his next few steps rather than the full journey. He must step forward to see where to go next, knowing that not everything will be revealed at once." Biddy Tarot
I feel like 2017-2019 really had a toll on us as a collective, a lot of hardship, loss, and dissolution flowed in and out of our lives on all levels, and it seems like enough was enough.
As the clock struck midnight Jan 1st 2020 there was a very noticeable step back:
- A pulling of your energy out of the collective nightmare.
- A wisdom shedding light upon what is so, and what is working.
- A ritualistic burning away and shedding of what no longer would be carried karmically into our new decade.
Now more then ever I feel a huge crystalline download of new ideas, creative solutions, new self love and trust in the divine.
A spiritual resurgence of values can be felt as a wave that is lifting us up and carrying us forward with the rising of this full moon under the sweet Aquarian frequency. Remember this sign is driven by deep authentic community connection, it is exactly what we need right now.
This full moon, let’s think about kindling your passion on all levels (not just the physical).
- What spiritually drives you to be better; to help more, to open up to more of your full lighted brilliance?
What spiritual practices can you commit to for this moon cycle? - What emotionally fuels you, how can you choose to lighten the emotional stresses of those around you?
Can you capitalize on your empathy as a gift not a curse? - How can you mentally bring new energy, creativity, trust and power to those you work with and live with?
Don’t waste your mental capacity speaking and thinking about negative outcomes. - And finally, physically… how can you move your own patterns into alignment with the moon, nature, the greater rhythm and cycles of life?
As there you will find the easy flow and most impact you can have. Start working with the grain, not against it, and I bet you will feel free like a child once more.
Friends, lay your burdens aside as you cleanse yourself and update your internal program to reflect your higher self’s plan as part of a transforming world.
This is a great time for rituals enhancing unconditional love and respect.
Stay tuned to more moon insights, and pick up moon ritual tools as you go along this journey with me.
Astrology King – Full Moon February 2020
Biddy Tarot - Hermit